Monday, May 23, 2011

Why There is a Lack of Posting:

I know mostly friends and family read this so you understand the lack of posting about my amazing ankle. But just in case you were wondering, the story goes kind of like this:

Once upon a time, there was a fearless princess who thought she could do anything.

Don't let the dress fool you.

So when the idea of challenging the most ferocious monster building of them all, all she had to say was "Bring it."

Monster: "Oh it's been BRUNG!"

The fight looked promising in the beginning. You could see that the princess had high expectations and believed she could win the fight.

Hehehe. Suckerrrr.

But then, the monster had a wild card it had yet to play. The princess was bombarded with group projects, bi-weekly papers, and chapter readings.

"My leg!!"

The conflict has yet to be resolved, but the good news is that the light at the end of the tunnel is coming. The princess knows she only has to hold out for a few more weeks and then she'll be free.
I will win this fight.

Until then, this is the best I've got.

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