Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Properly Break Your Ankle: Day 22

For the few people who read this, I'm sure you've all been dying to know (what I've decided) the number one challenge with a broken ankle is. I've got two words for you: shower time.
Showers are a necessary evil when it comes to living on this planet. Mostly because if you smell funny, no one talks to you, and I don't want people to not talk to me.
In a previous adventure, I fractured my wrist and was left with a cast for about 2 months. This left me with false ideas of how simple showering with a broken ankle would be. Showering with a fractured wrist is similar to a cake walk at this point:

Showering with a broken ankle is much more like an obstacle course. They might as well have told me every night would be a replay of Legends of the Hidden Temple*.

Obstacle #1: Preparing to shower. (The Moat)
"First, you must remove the boot, then get undressed, and never put ANY WEIGHT on your broken ankle."
This is the relatively simple one, where as long as you stay balanced, you should be able to make it across the moat just fine. I usually look a lot like this:

This is one of the moat crossing challenges, not me practicing my dancing.

Obstacle #2: Getting in the shower. (The Steps of Knowledge)
This one requires some skill and knowledge about myself, the room, and where everything is placed. You would expect this to be simple, but sometimes, there are those slightly more difficult questions thrown in.
Just not that question.

Obstacle #3: Showering. (The Temple Games)
This is all about physical ability. When questions like: 'How long can I balance on one leg for? Can I hop around in water and not fall? Can I sit here and get back up later?' arise. I would compare it to this temple game:

If you do it fast enough without a lot of thought, it's simple ... maybe.

Obstacle #4: Getting out of the shower. (The Temple Run)
Imagine, this is the moment when you've got The Shrine of the Silver Monkey all assembled, the path has cleared and you just have to run out of the temple ... with 10 seconds to go. The anxiety level for this is probably the same, slippery floor, wet feet, and a hope that you don't face plant and break your other ankle on the way out.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the Legends of the Hidden Temple summary of showering with a broken ankle. *bows*

*credit due: Nick & my seester, Katie

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