Thursday, February 3, 2011

How to Properly Break Your Ankle: Days 14 - 18

There are some great talents I have gained since I returned home from the hospital. Obviously, since the doctor's orders are "Non-weight bearing on left ankle at all times," that means I have some super awesome crutches. And for the record, crutches are not as fun as you would like to imagine. I had pictured time spent on my crutches would be really similar to when I was younger and my parents would each have one of my hands and then they would swing me.
Looks like fun, right?

Instead, I'm stuck with something much more along the lines of this:

The good news is that with these wretched devices, I have created my very own dance move. I call it, the crutch shuffle.
I'm proud to say I came up with this myself.

But, the best thing about being on crutches I can sum up in two words. Handicap parking. I used to be one of those people that always thought handicap spots were frustrating. Not anymore. I am a new, proud owner of a handicap placard and it allows me more parking privileges than just parking in the blue spaces. I can park in metered spots and not fill the meter. I can park in 10 minute only spots and be there for 3 hours too. Why am I so fortunate? Because I'm broken, and they figure that if you're broken the closer you are to the sidewalk, the easier things are for you. I have found this to be true. Using crutches to get everywhere, if done improperly, hurts your arms a lot. Another bonus? The blue handicap spots are actually wider and have more space between your car and the next car, which means that if I felt like it, I could park like this:
Like a boss.

This blog is dedicated to my old neighbors Nick, Colin, & Kevin. The ones who managed to make me a whole day late with posting.

1 comment:

  1. I love the crutch shuffle. And, I love the parking job.
